Monday, June 22, 2009

Different Bikini Wax Shapes

Language and audio-visual narrative.

When we speak of language we refer to a series of signs that allow to address properly encoded a field of communication:

One who is by audiovisual messages constructed by the technical features of recording images and sounds.

The image is a model that replaces reality through iconic elements (line, point, color and texture) also presents a high degree of expressiveness and a low level of abstraction. Thus

foreground is interpreted as a point of view of an observer who accesses the expressiveness and emotion of the character. The darkening of the screen to represent the passage of time the possibility to observe 2 parallel actions taking place in different scenarios.

Units measurement of the audiovisual message.

have been established as 3 units of audiovisual speech: sequence, scene and background.

The sequence is the unit of audiovisual narrative in place arises and concludes a dramatic situation. Can develop in a single stage, including one or more scenes or can consist of various scenarios. also can develop from beginning to end or mixed with other sequences.

The scene: It develops on one stage and by itself does not make sense full dramatic.

Plane: Is the smallest unit of meaning in the visual story from which we build scenes and sequences. Obtained from the wall, a term used to describe the imaging by the camera. The shots are selected and combined through editing. Properties

film plane.

These qualities include 3 factors-aspects
"The frame of the plane.
-length plane.

range of hues.

The contrast between colors including black and white determine the type of image appearance. The audiovisual producer can modify these parameters to achieve certain effects to attract the interest the viewer.

contrasts of color and light. By contrast

can channel the viewer's gaze to the important parts of the image. Using a harsh light textures overestimates reduces the detail and pictures are flatter. Get soft light volume and definition. The use of space creates delicate high tones and low tones played mysterious images.

The lenses : depth of field and focus.

called depth of field to the range of distances from the target within which objects be photographed in sharp focus.

The frame: The frame we define the plane, the fact choose a camera position of establishing a difference in the framing of the image and how we perceive the fact filmed. It can affect the image by:
1 .- The size and shape.
2 .- The manner in which the frame defines the space in the field and off the field.
3 .- The manner in which the frame controls the distance, angle and height
4 .- The way the frame can move in relation with staging.

map frame.

The size and format are factors outside the framework of these elements affect the perception of what the image contains. In contemplating an image regardless of size because this influences the illusion of realism.
The ratio between height and width of the frame is what payroll format.