Achievements and Results to December 2009
Until 2009, the Programme's activities in its four components focused on:
1. Natural Resources Component:
Management and micro-watershed management, it has the following results: 08 catchments
maps thematic evaluation of water quality, with diagnoses, actor map identified projects, micro-associations with legal, environmental education for adults and health posts in place with equipment and materials for the demonstrations to improve the diet of the population local products.
"Beekeeping Project in the Buffer Zone of the National Shrine Tabaconas Namballe" are those activities on the promotion of beekeeping in the headwaters of watersheds adjacent to SNTN led beekeepers to 183 families in 19 villages of this area, making harvest and market place in Lima in 4.000 kilos of honey.
Agroforestry, reforestation:
"Project Alternatives Transfer Consolidated Validated and Agroforestry Practices in Coffee Plantations in the area of \u200b\u200bPro-SNTN" led to 2,300 families of farmers producing organizations, with technical assistance from two agricultural engineers, 18 capacitadres agroforestry, 180 promoters.
The implementation of a basic action plan for technical assistance to improve the productivity of existing coffee plantations CENFROCAFE partners, fifty local promoters of the association have completed their training in the field by trainers Pro zonal agroforestry -SNTN and within the framework of the consultancy "Transfer of Alternative and Consolidated Validated Agroforestry Practices in Coffee Plantations in the Field Pro-SNTN." The Pro-SNTN
supported by a tube to guano islands Semilaeración natural screening, potassium sulfate, and magnocal fertibagra to partners: CASIL, CENFROCAFE, CEBICAFEN, APROCASSI, APESI, APROVAT, APROCANORSI, SOL & CAFÉ PERU, UNICAFEC, APECC-SMT, Greenwood. The amounts paid are: 591.00 tons of guano islands (S /. 408 042.00), 115 tons of potassium sulphate (S /. 259,039.37), 34.48 tons of fertibraga (S /. 81457.23) and 51.44 tons of magnocal (S / . 31890.39) representing a total investment of S /. 708,429.80 Dollars, in the form of seed money.
Promoting reforestation activity for the production and planting, through agreements that are running in a rural community, families of farmers, beekeepers families, social organizations, producer organizations and municipalities, in this sense has a agroforestry network of nurseries, 01 nursery Tabaconas district municipality, 01 nursery of the provincial municipality of San Ignacio, 01 lived for growers association APROCASI second level, 01 nurseries in the town of Chinchiquilla, 01 nursery in the village El Chaupar and 60 community nurseries and families with a total production capacity of 500,000 forest plants, fruits, ornamentals and vegetables. 20.000 has been installed Alsi plants (Alnus acuminata) to both mages of cowards River watershed in the district of Tabaconas.
Improvement Project in the propagation, installation and management of Guayaquil cane (Guadua sp.) Vetivier, with excellent results.
"Under Ihuamaca Forest Plant" has begun to see the design and implemengtación general management plan, plan for the use, installation, equipment, operation of which is developed under the specific Agreement No. 07-2009 between the City Ecological Provincial de San Ignacio (MEPSI), Forest Producers Association Valley Sanctuary and Pro - SNTN.
Also, under the Specific Agreement No. 026-2008 signed with the Provincial Municipality of San Ignacio was completed with the construction of municipal agroforestry nursery in the town of San Ignacio with an installed capacity to produce 120,000 seedlings.
Strengthening local capacities for the Chief of the National Shrine Tabaconas Namballe (SNTN)
has been completed with the construction of two pedestrian bridges (Canaveral and Chichilapas) improving the access road and has started construction of the Biological Station National Shrine Tabaconas Chichilapas Namballe-SNTN on land located within the SNTN.
has begun the development of the data set SNTN Interpretation Centre and finished the model in high relief of SNTN.
has been completed with the construction of checkpoints to the TNNS Guardapaques in Miraflores.
construction has been running the checkpoint SNTN rangers in High Ihuamaca (consists of the construction of 01 building of 02 levels with 08 rooms distributed to offices and bedrooms, 02 warehouses, 03 bathrooms and a staircase connecting the first and second floor).
has been concluded with the biological inventory of the aquatic flora SNTN is in process, the biological inventory of the fauna of SNTN.
has been completed with the design and implementation of the National Shrine website Tabaconas Namballe
has been concluded with the georeferencing of the timber felled within the SNTN and buffer zone.
has been concluded with the equipaminto (double cab pickup truck and four wheel drive, equipment, field audiovisoales, calculation, measurement, engineering, furniture, equipment, materials) of the Head of SNTN, rangers and volunteers.
was concluded with the design and publication of "Plan for Dissemination and Communication SNTN", 10 SNTN informative panels, three SNTN murals.
has supported training and exchange of experiences in protected areas of Peru and Ecuador all staff of the Chief of SNTN.
three milestones have been built on the edge of SNTN
2. Component Local Economy: The Pro-SNTN
has driven the implementation and operation of an agro processing project (plant gathering system and decentralized and collective benefits in wet and drying of coffee) in the poorest area of \u200b\u200bthe field, Tabaconas Valley. This was carried out in cooperation with the institution to operate the plant: the North Central Border Coffee Producers (CENFROCAFE), an important producer Tabaconas in the valley and the regional level (Jaén - San Ignacio).
component actively support the marketing of complementary products to coffee, through respective producer organizations, such as passion fruit and honey, these products are particularly important to reinforce proper management of agro-ecological farms in upland areas of the field of SNTN program and its adjoining the buffer zone, at the same time can generate additional income for coffee in the nearby rural families to the Sanctuary.
This component of the program encourages the production chain of cocoa in the productive, growing away from the area for want of adequate promotion and support in the past. Through the provision of increased resources for this activity, the first stage successful promotion of this crop is being expanded by increasing the number of beneficiary families (100 to 200 ha) villages served and the total installed agroforestry plots containing cocoa (a total of 320 plots) through the technical team that carried out the first stage. It has supported the strengthening of institutional capacities for management and implementation of operational plans of the Chamber of Commerce of San Ignacio.
3. Capacity Building Component:
It continues to support inter-institutional management through the implementation operational plans of the Roundtable for the Fight Against Poverty Provincial de San Ignacio (MCLCP-SI) and Management Committee of the National Shrine Tabaconas - Namballe (CG-SNTN), Chamber of Commerce of San Ignacio, at operational level and implementation issue related to the objectives of the program.
The program, after having made a diagnosis of deficiencies and needs for institutional strengthening of producer organizations in second and third level, has initiated a training and support for approximately 18 months at the policy, staff and partners on the core issues of organizational management, administrative, technological and trade, having completed the first module (administrative, accounting, organization).
In the field of communication for development and conservation, the process has been consolidated operating Namballe Infocentre through the implementation of management tools. Also, it has completed the implementation of Infocentre in Tabaconas, and continuing the construction of High Ihuamaca and support the implementation of rural communication infrastructure related to the three infocentres and wireless networking areas, benefiting the Capital District 2 and 9 villages, the students of a similar number of schools and about 1,000 rural families.
has been completed with the strengthening of local capacities of the three municipalities, agriculture, education, health, consisted of its equipment with equipment, computing, audio, measurement, engineering, field, review of MOF, ROF, training all staff on specific issues to meet and improve their daily activities.
Diploma in Public Investment System of Peru (SNIP) for all professionals and executives of all local institutions of San Ignacio.
In Educational Management Unit San Ignacio UGEL-SI, is supporting the design and publication of the Plan of Environmental Education San Ignacio Province and Border Education Plan of the city of San Ignacio.
A Provincial Ecological Municipality of San Ignacio (MEPSI) in amrco EEZ and territorial oredeaniento diagnosed with economic, social the province of San Ignacio.
4. Basic Infrastructure Component
Rural and Social Programme, through it, has managed to complete the first two works (La Balsa and Chinchiquilla) and the beginning of the next two sewage works (La Bermeja Namballe Tabaconas and cease) a total of 6 pieces of comprehensive water and sanitation co-financed by the Binational Fund for Peace and Development Peru - Ecuador. The Pro-SNTN
in partnership with municipalities local and the target population has completed construction of 08 sewerage center in as many villages, every family has a toilet, washing clothes and finally the network has a treatment plant solids and liquids that do not pollute or the soil or water. The Pro-SNTN
in partnership with local municipalities and the beneficiary population has completed the construction of 20 drinking water systems for the same number of communities. The Pro-SNTN
in partnership with local municipalities and the beneficiary population has completed the construction of: 02 two bridges pedestrian bridges vehicle and 08.
The incidence made from components the MEPSI been allowed to conclude and approve the final study for the start of "Project installation and improvement of drinking water for San Ignacio First Phase", which has a significant amount allocated in the budget of the Programme. This component has also provided technical support for parallel execution of works of the other ingredients: Ground coffee in local economy, infrastructure for the Sanctuary and Natural Resources Capacity Development Infocenter.
respect to other complementary activities or events can include:
• The support that the program is receiving from the Volunteer Service for Development Cooperation Belgium (SVCD), through the participation of junior assistants in the themes of geographic information, marketing and wastewater treatment.
• Developing a database of over 2,000 plots of farmers, which will then be transferred to producer organizations and allow traceability of certified coffee quality and access to higher payment levels for farmers in the following articles
will be posted each of the achievements in detail by way of systematizing experience.