Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Do You Need A Chin Strap In Junior Lacrosse

Breadboard in Multisim Multisim Circuits Assistant

This time I want to show a useful feature in Multisim to quickly create certain circuit configurations. This tool is known as Multisim Circuit Wizard , and allows us to automatically create a timer 555, filters and amplifiers BJT-based operational amplifier. All we have to do is set certain parameters and the wizard will create the circuit for us. Intereante Sound right?

in English in Multisim can find this option in the menu Tools>> Wizards Circuit. An example of how to build a non-inverting amplifier. For this select the option Opamp Wizard (short name for the operational amplifier):


From the above figure we can that the input signal is 1 V with a frequency of 1 kHz. The value of feedback resistor (R2) is 10 kohms , and we want a voltage gancia 10. With these values \u200b\u200bMultisim automatically calculate the value of R1 (note that you can also configure the power supply and input impedance).

We click the Check Multisim to make the necessary calculations, then click the Build button circuit :


Multisim did all the work for us and the circuit is ready to be simulated. The following figure shows the simulation results on the oscilloscope:


Now it's your turn, use the wizards Circuits in Multisim to create other configurations . If you have questions do not hesitate to post them here. If you have not Multisim in English you can download it free here .

