Friday, September 18, 2009

How Do You Hurt A Guys Balls

This circuit called Mini-Piano or Electronic Organ, which generates sounds similar to those obtained in a piano keys are pressed in the central octave. Despite its small size can be a fun toy, a simple oscillator circuit is built with an IQ 555, which can be fed from 4.5V to 12V DC The essential idea is to generate a square wave with a frequency that the sound emitted by the horn is similar to what you get when you press the keys on a piano. The frequency depends on the value of resistance that are part of the oscillator circuit.

Note: Due to the tolerance of the elements, the frequency of the notes is approximate.

Note --- --- Frequency Resistors. ------- DO ------ 200Hz
R2 - R11 ------
RE 246Hz ------- R2 - R10 261Hz ------- ------ MI
R2 - R9
293Hz FA ------ ------- R2 - SOL
R8 R2 ---- ------- 329Hz - 349Hz R7 ------- ------
THE R2 - R6
SI ------ 392Hz - ----- R2 - R5
DO1 440Hz ------- ---- R2 - R4
RE1 493Hz ------- ---- R2 - R3

Used Components:

- 1 10K ohm resistor 1 / 4 Watt.
- 1 resistance 5.6K Ohm 1 / 4 Watt.
- 1 resistance 8.2K Ohm 1 / 4 Watt.
- 2 Resistors 6.8K Ohm 1 / 4 Watt.
- 2 Resistors 4.7K Ohm 1 / 4 Watt.
- 2 Resistors 3.3K Ohm 1 / 4 Watt.
- 2 Resistors 2.2K Ohm 1 / 4 Watt.
- 1 10nF Ceramic Capacitor.
- 1 100nF Ceramic Capacitor.
- 1 22uF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor.
- 1 LM555.
- 1 Speaker 8 Ohm 0.25W to 1W.
- 9 buttons.


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