Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Antique Metal Bathtub

optocoupler Remote Control Remote Control Remote Control Relay

This circuit is an example of how we can use a remote control to turn on an appliance or just some electronics. In this case we use a 5V relay to power an incandescent bulb or thrifty, but the idea is that we can attach it depending on our needs.

Materials Used:

- 1 Receiver 4021.
- 1 CD4017 CMOS IC.
- 1 2N3906 Transistor.
- 1 2N3904 Transistor.
- 1 220K Ohm resistor 1 / 2 Watt.
- 1 10uF 16V Electrolytic Capacitor.
- 1 1K ohm resistor 1 / 2 Watt.
- 1 1N4007 diode.
- 1 5V relay.
- 2 Ohm Resistor 330R 1 / 2 Watt.
- 2 LEDs.
- 3 100nF Ceramic Capacitors.


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