Project Cycle: Consolidation, ownership and management for retirement
CONSOLIDATION / APPROPRIATION . In this phase strengthen the knowledge and processes of the watershed development or rural organization, on the other hand the strength of leadership or institutional support decreases, while local organizations are quines assume a more leading role. Features
v Decreased level of participation of the institution that leads the process. The number of extension decreased, being replaced by local promoters and peasant leaders. In terms of economic resources, materials and supplies that are provided by financial institutions and advisory, support and guidance.
v Capacity building management committees or commissions through promoters or peasant leaders, who assume greater responsibility. In future people will be keys to successful community co-management and project the sustainability of development efforts in organizing peasant or campesino organization. Thus it is also a model for the management of other peasant organizations or micocuencas.
Under this frame of reference is necessary to provide feedback on the comprehensive knowledge and preferences in activities or components that have potential.
An important aspect to consider is that the sponsor or leader is responsible for replicating both training and operational activities. V
Strengthening the management capacity of institutions and / or local organizations to better reach that level of planning, developing their own micro-projects, to design, evaluate and monitor.
v Availability of new financial resources for the implementation of activities under micro business models.
v Strengthen administrative and financial capacity to manage their own resources, with criteria for micro enterprises. V Mayor
replica of productive activities under the criteria of sustainability and conservation planning of the resources that are in danger of extinction.
v Using improved marketing channels to increase the producer's profit margins. V
institutions or local organizations have trained promoters to continue the activities.
v The local people are able to systematize and document key lessons to share.
techniques applied in this phase are: meetings with organizations, observation tours, workshops, field days, setting grain fields, research plots, forest plots measuring experiences building a replica of potential activities between main.
tools applied are: training modules, guides to systematize experiences, guidelines for monitoring and evaluation, monitoring system, guide project development, training guides to peasant farmers.
REMOVAL. In this phase, organizations, or watershed committee, show a high degree of maturity and empower processes involving the management of their own resources.
are fully capable of planning to monitor and evaluate the activities undertaken under the leadership of the promoter or leaders facilitate the process and ensure sustainability using tools and techniques suited to your needs and requirements.
An important aspect of this phase is the evaluation with the participation of institutions and organizations acampaƱantes and the general population to determine the progress and status in that local organizations take full responsibility. This evaluation recommends an update on the diagnosis or characterization of it to develop a long-term strategic plan, which would be closed the external institutional support.
techniques to be applied are: meetings, observations, field days and workshops. Tools
are characterized by the final reporting and dissemination of experiences.
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