Objectives Analyze the institutional aspects of the creation and / or strengthening of micro-organisms
know and systematize experiences of institutions in the countries of the region for the creation and / or development of micro-organizations. PROBLEM
institutional devices and the laws have a sectoral approach, not very participatory, with relatively weak institutions operating with little financial autonomy. Both public and private sector, to establish their strategies and development plans, they underestimate and even ignore the need for water management as one of the conditions for the construction of future sustainable scenarios.
Although countries have signed declarations, agreements and other international documents, with definitions broad policies regarding the management of water, yet to be taken measures for the implementation of such agreements.
The implementation of sustainable water management is decentralization of decision making to the local area of \u200b\u200bthe catchments. This concept, technically consensual, is strong political restrictions.
Decentralization of decision making required changes to the powers and responsibilities, especially in the public sphere. This hinders the creation of watershed agencies with greater autonomy and local representation.
implementation mechanisms for the participation of users and sectors of society in the decision making process are complex, since it requires the definition of new procedures stable, reliable and transparent. Sectors also requires decision-makers give up to maintain some of that power.
The multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary approach necessary for sustainable management also come into conflict with established institutional cultures. The training of technicians is largely cases, segmented and tends to be specialized, which disfavors mainstreaming requires the issue.
The fact that several sectoral institutions with responsibilities for water management (environment, health, water transport, coastal management, hydropower production, irrigation, etc..) Acted often as a disjointed, resulting in role conflict between authorities and institutions. There is no body specialized functional and stable base of information that support the decisions.
Water use is often considered necessary to meet use current needs of societies. Thus, schedules tend to ignore that the maintenance of good ecological conditions of water bodies is the only guarantee of good conditions for future use.
policy and institutional reforms necessary require political will, and the provision of financial resources, including Peru and San Ignacio in particular is extremely lacking.
water availability limits are deeply tied to privileges in the ownership of the resource. Plan for expanding access to water means to reduce the culture of irresponsible use, and exclusive appropriation by sector minority of society. There is no integration between water management and national plans, regional and local development. Experiences
internally in terms of micro entities, results:
respond to sectoral management of natural resources
usually are not autonomous bodies have
legal structure and legal variable depending on various government agencies are imposed from
high levels of government. Prevail
decisions to meet urban demand.
Low participation of local actors
Decisions taken on the watershed planning does not consider local government are not integrated at the local dimension.
Poor ability to resolve conflicts.
Major obstacles to the creation and / or development of micro-organisms:
· Poor information
¨ centralized and bureaucratic funding
· Poor
· Difficulties in reconciling regional and local interests
· Competence distributed in various institutions
· Poor
· local participation to internal political instability institutions
· Poor audit resources allocated
• Lack of identity of the actors with reality and / or needs of the population
* First policy decisions on the techniques. • Changes
political representatives of institutions and human talents
· inadequate to micro-manage profile
· Slowness in making decisions and agreements.
Necessary conditions to create micro-organizations:
Do not think recipes should be general, but structured on the basis of local socio-environmental conditions. Reconciling the interests of the parties.
• Must be appropriate to the current legal structure in each location
• Must have the power to act appropriately in integrated resource management
• You must be symmetry in terms of negotiating skills and management, between institutions and organizations
• Must tending to sustainable development
• Must be affiliated with local agencies
• Must be at least an inter-agency committee
• You must have institutional representation, social and productive
and members
Legal basis:
• Must have legal and public records entered in the register of local institutions in the municipalities.
• Must be representative
• You must provide the ability for negotiation / management of local representatives and the various user sectors
functions and powers:
• Actions of cooperation and recommendations for the prevention and resolution of conflicts and exchange
• Management
information • Develop and ensure compliance with land use plans
· Lead risk management
· achieve progressive arrangements for the management of natural resources
• Ability to negotiate and resolve the matters within its competence
· Ensuring access to information, technology transfer and training
• Ensure and support the generation of local institutional networks.
* Paper prepared by Prospero Yance
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