The semiology
The semiotics or semiology is the science of signs and the laws that govern this palabraProviene remellón Greek which means sign, and lakes which means study.For understand the semiotics or the study of signs is necessary to know the elements that constituyen.Tomando basis of the definition of Humberto Eco semiotics studies all cultural processes comoProcesos communication, considering the cultural phenomena such as communication, cultural linguistics
It provides the main elements of the semiotic. Main elements
-language and speech.
-signifier and signified.
-phrase system.
-denotation and connotation.
Language and speech: The tongue is a sign Dad organized system in place for communication within unaSociedad Switch places known as codes of communication. Speech is the individual to express lenguaEsta definition is raised by savssure. Meaning
significant: two planes understand the meaning or content of the sign is the queExpresa the concept, the mental representation of the thing and going to spray the signifier which is the expression planoDe. System
phrase: cejunto system is the sign that has a relationship between changes producidosEn dock any of them affects all the others. The phrase is rendered and are shackled in a coherent unaYunta pocecion different sign with a unitary meaning.
Denotation and connotation are terms that are developed in opcicion denotation will indicate the action mean something by a signal opcicion connotation of the meaning of Rotary, basic, literal or a type of asociativoDa secondary meaning of a word or expression derived from one of the more or menosConstantes. Rolan
Bastos (normandia1915 - Paris 1980)
French structuralist literary critic and bloomfienld inspired by (the love lucida) within this book sePostula following is the science that studies the life of signs within social life. The theme and suDefinición are attributed to linguistic savssure which regarded the language of science in generalPor that can relate these two disciplines. It should be the semiological sistingir Semitic hayDiferencias essential not even use more links to the tradition of nonsense perche charles.
Semiotics two great schools: Charles Pierce
which says that any relationship is mediated by signs unlimited because each sign remiteUno the other three basic elements are miosis are the sign, object and interpreter:
Sign: is the word.
Purpose: to respect the sign.
Interpreter: the sign that refers to another sign. Pierre
provides many classifications of the signs some of them are index, icon, symbol: Symbol
is the type of sign that is replaced by social convention to the selected object. The symbol is the sign right.
Index is the type of sign that refers to an object without affirming or denying anything about it, a sign indicates quemeros.
Icon: A sign referred to the object according to its likeness. Roland
photo In the message there are two types of code which are the verbal code and the iconic code. Verbal
any type of image contains a different sense needs realize their significance through a message
Verbal. Iconic
: There are two types of the denoted and connoted message.
denotes: comes from the photographic material itself, of what the photo is the system itself. Renowned
: the significance of trying to build the image.
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