Monday, August 24, 2009

Retirement Cakes For Police

2nd. Version

Photocell with Supply Voltage No Transformer.

Votaje photocell with DC source.

This is the 2nd circuit. Photocell version created with a LM741 operational amplifier, used the op-amp as a voltage comparator with a reference voltage at pin # 3 which can be regulated with the potentiometer 5K ohms, and pin # 2, the LDR is a resistance that varies depending on the intensity of light, to turn the focus Moc use a 3021 which is an optocoupler which contains an internal diac and a triac 136, BT 3A, which can light a bulb that does not exceed 360Watts power in 110 V AC also use a transformerless voltage source which provides sufficient current needed by the IC to operate.

Components For Photocell:

- 1 LM741 Op-Amp.
- 1 Moc 3021.
- 1 Triac BT136.
- 3 Ohm resistors 1/4Watt 330R.
- 1 resistance 3.3K Ohm 1 / 4 Watt.
- 1 Ohm resistor 10R 1 / 4 Watt.
- 1 Potentiometer 5K.
- 1 100nF capacitor.
- 1 Capacitor 47uF 16V.
- 1 Led.
- 1 100W incandescent bulb.

For Voltage Source.

- 1 3A fuse and fuse holder.
- 1 Resistance 1M Ohm 1 / 4 Watt.
- 1 1000nF Capacitor 250V 105K nomenclature.
- 4 1N4007 diodes.
- 2 5.6V zener diodes.
- 1 Capacitor 100uF 100V.


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