Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Chinese Schools In The 1970s

Still no ratings, but news boys.
All days are not holidays, and as they gained seats while others had problems, now turned the tables. While Peter and Michael continue the streak and marked a carrerón, Tito and Fer have passed the hard time to reach goal. After a hard climb up a hill quite cold, faced a decline in snow (style Trail Blanch, for those who know him, cane for whom no ..) and Tito has had quadriceps problems that have slowed in the extreme, to the point of entry walk to the finish.
Although we are told with some discouragement, understand that the goal is that like other "petaron" before, they have done today. Now we have to take care of that leg and hope to recover for tomorrow ..... Compex, stretching, ice, estelero, a saint candles .... Whatever it takes, guys. From here we recover forces to the leg.
When they are classifications available nowadays write another appetizer.

During the ascent
Tito down to "low blow"
Fer signaling the peak had to climb

getting attention .... Atento, which is as it seems to be called the ambulance ... heh, heh ...


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